Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Which Careers Are Super Woman Not Fit For

The answer to this question is, none! A significant number of women are joining the work force. This is a gradual step towards the realization of the concept of super woman. Choosing a certain profession not only empowers the lady but brings out a whole new perspective as well as working zeal to the profession itself. The initiatives taken by the Government is also noteworthy in this regard, where, ranging from the third world to the first world country, immense number of legislation are being implemented to breach the gender gap. Still it is remarkably visible in almost every sphere of occupation. Why do you think the scenario is such?

Think about the last time, when you were guiding a woman regarding her career choices. Other than qualification of the lady as well as her vested interest, you must have considered her gender before giving her advice regarding which profession to choose. That is one of the passive yet most dreadful manner in which our near and loved ones dampen the spirit of a super woman even before she realizes that there is absolutely no profession on this earth which suits her lesser than a man. If it is legal for her to enroll for a particular job, then other than her qualification and interest, there should be no other criteria that needs to be applied to suggest a lady to not go for it.

It has been observed that women are generally guided towards professions which involve lesser outdoor activities and comfortable working hours. It is just presumed that she will not be able to physically endure the demand of the job or the stress involved in the particular profile. She is encouraged to take up less demanding careers so that house work should never be neglected due to her “day job”. As a result of this perpetual guidance that has been going on for decades, even the super woman has completely shut herself out from the possibility of venturing certain areas of career which are just overflowing with men not even half as capable as she is.

The choices made by earlier generation of women have made a huge impact on the career options of this generation of super woman. Employer’s outlook of skepticism in employing women for certain profession or position is disquieting the current generation of superwoman who are trying to break boundaries of social enigma or moral constraint attached to any work.  But that should not stop her from moving on. She might have to go the extra length to convince her parents to take up the course which is usually flooding with men or have to go through certain number of additional interviews to find a reasonable employer who sees her as an asset beyond her pink lipstick. But at the end of the day, only when women usher in such unconventional careers which are considered popular only amongst men, will they be able to make it a more welcome place for her own kind.

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