Friday, August 26, 2016

Takes A Super Woman To Farewell Death With New Life

Cancer. One term so ominous that it's bare mention is sufficient to bring a chill down our spine. No one can empathise enough that how a person feels when she hears that this fatal disease is growing inside her. It takes super woman like strength and will power to keep standing straight and not feel breathless when your doctor breaks this bad news to you. You should give yourself some time to get hit hard by this news and only when you have felt the zenith of the pain, you will be able to muster the strength to crawl out of it.

There was a huge stigma attached to this disease since its inception. But with persistent research and development of modern medicine, awareness about cancer had taken a positive turn and society has become more accepting towards such patients. Breast cancer is one such fearful diagnosis that makes a lady feel hopeless. But thanks to improving societal and family support and campaign done by many woman celebrity who have faced the torment of the same disease, one can find assistance in recognising the super woman inside them to fight this devil.

Facing the disease and beating it is not the happy end. When your body goes through days of radiation, chemotherapy, surgeries and tests, there are certain scars that never heal. One such aspect is the possibility of infertility. If you are young or newly married and you have not yet entered the beautiful world of motherhood that gives a new glow to the super woman inside you, then accepting a future without a baby in your arms can be soul shattering. Hope for a better future appears to be lost if you lose the ability to procreate. The good news is, it need not necessarily have to be this way. Surrogacy is the most contemporary solution to the reproductive challenges arising out of cancer and its aggressive treatments.

Before the treatment starts, a lady can take a super woman like smart step and get her eggs harvested and frozen. This way, no matter the outcome of the treatment, she won't be fighting against the biological clock. Cancer can take away the hope for a better life from a woman but she can regain the control of her life if she stays one step ahead and avails this back up. Once she has won the fight against this tremor, she can start putting the pieces of her life back together and at this time a surrogate can be of immense help.

Many women offer their service as surrogate due to strict financial reasons but it makes her no less than a super woman to give a new hope to another lady who has recently faced death but has enough aspiration to welcome life once again. Some acts can be measured in terms of money but the gratification can never be valued enough. Gift of a child to a cancer surviving mother from a surrogate is one such example.

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