Monday, August 15, 2016

Super Woman: When The Princess Becomes Queen

If you ask a group of elderly ladies to identify the most difficult decade of their life, you will find that a majority of them will indicate their “middle age”. It takes super woman like thoughtfulness and brains to get through this demanding phase of life where a lady finds the changes to be detached from her youth but not yet connected to senility. During this period, she needs to pay close attention to certain perspectives of her life so that she can peacefully transition into the next phase without creating a mayhem over losing grip on her youth.

Age comes so silently to women that before they know it, people take up the responsibility to point it out to them. To face their middle age as efficiently as possible, they should take note of certain aspects. The first mistake that a lady makes is to not change with time. Changing few things is the first change she should introduce in her life when she feels that she is entering the appropriate age bracket. One of such factors is clothes. When we are young and the super woman inside us is complemented by aura of our beauty, anything jazzy or retro can be pulled off under the tagline of fashion. But we must realize, that this is a liberty we lose when we enter our middle age. We then have to invest bit more time and sensitivity towards choosing what we were to not compromise in being graceful.

Acceptance of reality is another aspect which the super woman in a middle aged lady should act upon. She should try to look as pretty as possible but not as pretty as when she was in her 20s because man has not yet invented time travel as cosmetic solution! There is nothing to be upset about. The number marked on her driving license may make her feel ancient but that should not be used as an excuse to give up all the young habits, especially exercising. She needs to design her work out regime more judiciously now taking in account her age and needs.

To keep the super woman thriving, she should take good care of her sleeping habits. Burning the midnight oil should not be kept as an option anymore like she did in her younger days. Along with this, better care of teeth is a welcome step. Gum diseases are often related to heart problems.So a closer attention should be paid to the dental visits.

Aging is a natural process. But now a days, many artificial methods are invented to fight it. Though the effects of such products seem quick and miraculous, but none of us are oblivious towards their side effects.   It is suggested that to maintain the health and appearance during middle age, a lady should nurture the super woman in her with natural remedies rather than artificial ones. With the right amount of makeup and sensibly chosen clothes, middle age can actually be fun because you have the advantage of being more graceful and wise. Happy aging!

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