Sunday, August 21, 2016

Super Woman: Why Do Heart And Hurt Sound So Similar?

How will you know when to say “No”? I think when you feel every cell of your body is screaming and pleading you to not take any more excruciating spites, you should definitely say no. Wondering what am I talking about? Am talking about that moment of your life, when you feel literal evaporation of love from a relationship or discover that what you are following is nothing but an imitation of affection. There may be several people or factors that will make your feet heavy and stop you from taking the final step out of the bubble of a relationship, but the courage you muster that day, can decide which world you end up in. The one with a vicious circle of futility or the one full of buoyant reveries. Listen to the super woman inside you. She will hold your hand and help you take the next step.

People say, every relationship takes work. There are very few couples who function like a well-oiled machine, friction less and producing optimum output.  Others, not so much. Sometimes even our super woman like instinct fail to understand that how much “work” should a relationship demand before it becomes a burden on our soul. Working like the topper of your class to retain your position is acceptable. Functioning like a bonded labor to keep your relationship afloat, not acceptable. This should be the first parameter to revise the “companionship agreement” and deliberate about the need of changing the parties or the terms of the contract.

Second phase is to coming in terms with reality. Are you seeing the relationship for what it is or you are just living inside a figment of your imagination which keeps fueling a hope for better tomorrow where a miracle will change your partner and make everything right? Listen to the super woman inside you, just take a step back and try looking at the entire deal like a reasonable third person. Imagine the person whom you love the most and then think if you will suggest him/her to continue the present state or get out of it. This should help you get a clearer picture of what is ideal and how far you are from it.

If you comprehend that there is still hope left and you have not yet put your best foot forward, then that should be seen as a happy news. Better introspection of the super woman inside you and honest exertion should be made to bring about a positive change. But if the news is not good, then take a deep breath, compose your mind and prepare to move on.

What will people think? What if I end up alone for the rest of my life? Familiar thoughts? You will never know what people think because mostly their courage is limited to speaking behind your back. Spending rest of your life alone may feel like solitary confinement but staying in a rotten relationship is like sharing a jail cell with serial killers, arsonists or pedophiles. Why don’t you hug the super woman inside you, say no to your current disposal and take a leap of faith?

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