Friday, August 5, 2016

Super Woman To Super Home Maker

Managing expenses of a household is one of the primary agendas of a woman who has taken up the challenge of being a home maker. She might be a mother or a wife, but like a super woman, she takes care of the task of meeting all the needs of her family. She has to be a multi-tasker and assume many different roles. If the bread winner is earning sufficiently and being a reasonable man, is generous enough to give sufficient amount to his partner for running the house, then she can comfortably fulfill all her roles. The challenge appears, when due to some unforeseeable circumstances, her partner loses his job or becomes unable to provide sufficient funds as he might have done earlier.

When a certain family gets used to the facilities and luxuries provided to them, it might become difficult to convince them to accept the change cordially. This is where a super woman comes to the rescue of her family from a possible financial and emotional turmoil. As she spends comparatively more time with the other members of the family than her counterpart, she can be considered in a better position to reach out to them. As the most basic yet fundamental step, even the youngest member of the family should be explained in the most non frightening manner why he/she needs to adjust a little for some time till his/her family is able to return to older times. She should express her thoughts in a positive coating and avoid showing negative concerns.

A super woman, exuding the obvious smartness, should take the smart step of listing all the expenses of the household from a simple hairpin to the monthly payment to a yoga teacher. After this, she needs to think judiciously and categories the expenses in three categories “Must have”, “Need based” and “Not required”. The first and last options are self-explanatory. “Need based” items or services are such which are important but are unnecessarily handled in an extravagant manner. For example, too many sports magazine, fare of cab where public transport can be used, payment for home delivery for some items which can be easily picked up while coming back from office or college. This category can help her cut down the cost but she will definitely need help from her family members for doing the same.

“Eating what you grow” is a very popular practice in a farm and a super woman can exploit this principle with firm hand and apply in daily household needs. A small vegetable garden with thoughtful plants can easily provide for occasional healthy dinner. Salad leaves, potatoes, broad beans, spring onion, radish are certain vegetables which are easy to grow. Also, the lady should raid the wholesale market to buy non-perishable products which will result in cutting down the cost in long run.

The lady should be the pillar of strength and a major asset in helping the bread winner come out of such difficult times. Management skills and positive vigor are the super powers of a super woman in not only waiting out the storm but also fighting against it.

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