Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Super Woman: Unravelling The Conversation Wizard

Judging a person by his appearance is shallow, however, judging a person by his words is simple logic. What you say, how you say and when you say can mean the world for your career. When it comes to work place etiquette, how so ever super woman like a lady is in finishing a project, her words or manner of delivery can diminish the true worth of it. So it is important that you understand the real meaning of every sentence you speak or every gesture you make from the perspective of the crowd to which you are aiming at.

We have a natural tendency of nodding our head when listening to someone. Due to the imbibed kindness in a lady she feels responsible to make the speaker feel that she is attentively listening to what is being spoken. This practice is many a times perceived as gullible or lack of personal judgement. Finishing a statement by questioning the idea behind it is another form of weak representation. “We have done a good job as a team, don’t you think that?” is one such example. Your super woman like opinion need not require others validation to become a fact.

Letting others steal your thunder is also one such act that women allow to happen. They let another person conveniently cut them off in middle of their sentence to push through his own ideas or after she has done making a compelling argument, another person just steals away the conclusive statement making the whole idea look like his own. Oozing with confidence but subtlety that a super woman should, you can politely ask the gentleman to hold his thoughts and he will be equally listened to after you are done talking. Interrupting an interruption is always considered well deserved.

Competition in the business world is increasing in such leaps and bound that you will find an idea stealing serpent around every corner. So if you have a productive thought, then you should have the braveries and smartness like a super woman to speak it out and that too at the right occasion. Do not interfere or unjustly criticize a colleague in front of your boss but never hesitate to voice your opinion when you get the suitable window especially in business meetings. Your existence will never become perennial unless you make a mark recurrently.

Speaking to a crowd and not slouch the shoulders in the entire process is a stunt that men feel proud to take credit for. You should not hesitate to share the podium. Eye to eye contact and not losing chain of super woman like thoughts when faced by adverse expression of the listener are such habits which can be inculcated in your manners only with repeatedly facing such situations. With time, you will realize that you have taught yourself to become a conversation wizard!

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