Monday, August 22, 2016

Super Woman: The “Other” Creator Of Life

There are certain phases of a woman’s life which require comparatively more details to attention than others. In the era of over flowing information available at the touch of a fingertip, no situation can catch a super woman by surprise. Even if a woman prepares abundantly, there can still be some aspects which she may overlook when it comes to conceiving a baby and giving birth to it. Even before the entire process starts, she needs to be mentally prepared for the same and the same holds equally true when it comes to her partner. If her disposition is such that she would have to take up this venture alone, then she needs to be even more mentally and emotionally prepared before taking this huge step.

Visit to the doctor is must during planning for starting the process. Better care of health by following a proper regime and in taking the correct diet is very important. Certain changes in lifestyle can prepare a woman better to become a healthy and super woman like mother with a healthy child. Including nutrient supplements and pregnancy specific diets can increase the chances of conceiving a baby. Emotional stress can also add to redundancy in the chances that results in low sperm count. Infertility due to stress is seen as one of the most common occurrences. Certain corporate have observed that employees have applied for vacation to get prepared to start a family.

After a woman conceives, then the most crucial part begins. One must always remember that every pregnancy is different. There are no books which can explain your unique conditions or provide you with a custom made routine to follow to achieve a smooth transition. There is no one better than the super woman inside you to understand the needs of your body and take beneficial steps in that regard. The first trimester is considered as one of the most sensitive times. Any kind of stress, heavy weight lifting is advised to be avoided during such period to reduce the chances of termination of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, most women experience variety of food taste development and craving. Certain new found repulsion towards certain smell can also evolve. Women who already live life like a super woman and has exercise as part of their daily routine, can continue to do so. Often a myth is heard in this regard that woman are too fragile during this period to continue their normal work out like jogging or running.

During the third trimester, she may face reduced intensity of stamina and the body may call for more amount of rest. The appetite seems to be reduced but as the mother is feeding for both herself and the child, she needs to religiously eat for both of them. A women needs to have super woman like smart thinking and prepare in advance for situations like premature delivery or any other pregnancy related medical issue. Certain people should always be kept on speed dial to assist her for the same.

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