Monday, August 29, 2016

The “Man” For The Super “Woman”

God made Adam. God made Eve. Why didn’t he stop at either Adam or Eve or continue with a singular kind. May be because he saw how beautiful and complete they look together and they are the obvious answer to each other’s loneliness. Every step a woman takes towards empowerment can be more joyous if she has a partner to share it with. This is where a man comes into picture to pleasantly complement even a super woman. Even though made for each other, at times it takes considerable effort for a lady to find the right man just to find that he may not think of her as the right woman. To avoid this encounter, it is better to know certain basic aspects that the other gender looks for in us.

Uniqueness in a woman that she can derive from her super woman like confidence is one of the primary traits that attracts a man’s attention. Having your own style and a personality that complements it, goes a long distance in this regard. Being one of many is easier but a man notices a woman when she stands out from the crowd. Being unique cannot be copied as it is a true reflection of an independent thought process in a woman which an intelligent man always finds very attractive.

Every person looks for a ray of optimism in their partner. We look towards the sanctity of a relationship to help us find the inner peace when we are going through bad times. A woman who listens to her partner’s problem, doesn’t lose her cool and at the end of the day, offers him her unconditional support with the hope and advice that everything will be fine, is super woman in disguise which any man will find hard to let go.

No relationship can survive the test of time if there is lack of mutual respect. Your appearance and charm may attract the first attention of a man but to retain this attention, other traits come into picture. No one can be good at everything but there should be at least one aspect of your life which solemnly reflects your talent and your man can relate to it by respecting your talent. Also, being worthwhile by pursuing any field towards expertise and knowing your true value and passion can help a lady identify the super woman inside her.

It is said that a good man is imbibed with the instinct of protecting his woman. So many a times, security becomes a trait that we look for in our perfect guy. One cannot help but wonder if the male is also looking for the same. A man may be physically stronger than his counterpart, but women are considered more emotionally mature than a man. As a result, during roller coaster of life, he looks for a super woman who can decide for herself and if required, can offer him the correct guidance and insight in a situation thereby protecting him from a folly.  

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