Woman are
considered remarkably good when it comes to social service and one of the prominent
reasons is the heightened sense of empathy. Any person suffering from his own
problems may find many ears who are eager to hear him out. But what a person in
distress really needs to feel better is another person who not only hears him
but listens too. The super woman like empathy helps a lady to easily relate to
another and express how she truly grieves “with” him and not only “for” him.
It is said that
at times of despair a good man is generally found more eager to help a woman
than another man. However, when it comes to a woman, her care and help easily
extends equally to both the gender as she beholds the super woman like emotional
maturity of understanding both the genders and treat both of them comfortably. She
can personally relate to any problem that a woman might be having and extend a
helping hand. When it comes to a man, her insight of human nature proves
sufficient to comfort him as well.
Female approach
works the best especially in matters where children are involved. Kids are
considered to be more sensitive and emotionally impressionable as compared to
adults. Due to the caring and mother like nature attributed to a lady, children
find it easier to relate to a super woman like rescuer rather than a man.
Moreover, due to her inherent nurturing nature and tender attitude, she is
capable of relating to the kids in an easier and playful manner.
The number of
woman social workers are increasing in leaps and bounds now a days. Not only
have they broken their own shackles and helped themselves out of any
overpowering circumstances, they are using the perseverance learnt during this
process to help other people who need them. It is only a matter of time before
the field of social service is taken to new heights when super woman like
strong hands work shoulder to shoulder with their male counter parts.
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