Tie a ribbon
around your closet rod and place all the clothes in one particular side. Let’s say
the left side. Now, when you take out a piece to wear and bring it back to keep
in the closet, simply hang it to the right side of the ribbon. Similarly, keep
one shelf in your wardrobe empty, and use it similarly for putting used clothes
which you cannot hang. After a certain period of time, you will realize that
some clothes never move to the right side of the ribbon or shift to the new
shelf. Your super woman like good sense should understand that these left out
clothes are only eating up your precious space due to emotional attachment and
should be taken out.
There are certain
items which we no longer take out as they might be out of fashion or many sizes
smaller than our current size. However, we cannot bring ourselves to throw them
out as they stand as icons of our good times or beacon of hope to reduce back
to a younger size. It is suggested that find a pretty basket, put such clothes
and shoes in that and keep it out of your sight without throwing them away. If the
super woman inside you feels the craving to see them again and actually
remembers to pull them out of the basket and wear one day, then the piece can
find its way back in the closet. But after three months, if the basket hasn’t moved,
then just deliver it to donation.
Another organizing tip inspiring super woman like smartness is how to place your clothes in the
closet. While folding and keeping them, you should not place same color clothes
over one another. Keeping contrasting colors next to each other ensures that
every attire can be easily distinguished and seldom used clothes can be
separated from regular used ones.
These tips can
only help guide you to a working solution but the final step of getting rid of
the actual stuff can take place only if you tap in your super woman like will
power and say good bye to the remembrance of some golden times.
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