Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Super Woman: The Dilashi Remonstration

The blend of a determined woman with the power of social media is a deadly combination. Gone are the days when a woman let others decide her course of action or how she should expect to be treated. The evolution of super woman in the prettier gender has made way to an astoundingly independent thought process and courage to say no to ill treatment. The dainty progression doesn’t stop there. Using the prowess of the internet and millions of people connected through social media, she doesn’t shy away from playing offence rather than defense. One such noteworthy incident occurred few days back in the City of Joy.

Dilashi Hemnani was denied entry in one of the most popular restaurants of Kolkata as she was accompanied by her driver who was found to be not properly dressed as per the standards of the restaurant. Sticking to the stereotype nature that is attributed to woman in general, she could have accepted the denial of the restaurant and walk away but she instead chose to stand her ground and challenge their unfounded behavior. This super woman like stand has spread across the media like a wild fire and may result in costing the food joint heavily.

Every private body is allowed to make rules regarding the dress code for the personnel or visitor that may seek entry to the place. If no such dress code is laid out, then denying entry to a person solely based on the discretion of the person attending him as the dressing taste may not match sounds outright unreasonable. This same point was kept across by Dilashi like a super woman to the management when they denied her a table at the diner as she was accompanied by a person seen as belonging to an inferior class by the attending.

The restaurant was under the wrongful impression that they could get away with such behavior but soon they realized that they were highly mistaken. Pulling the wrong nerves of an independent super woman who can think for herself can cost anyone dearly. In this case, Dilashi posted this incident on a social media site citing details of each and every account that occurred including the conversation that took place between her and the Mocambo employees. She stated her disappointment regarding how a classy place can have such a trivial attitude towards another person by perceiving his status to be from a lower class.

This incident is an eye opener for pretentious chauvinistic group of people that their worthless opinion is not accepted by today’s super woman. This occurrence has also brought in light that unlike a society where women is portrayed as a person in need of a man’s protection, Dilashi has proved otherwise by upholding the honor of man whom she considered as truly deserving, her driver Manish.

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