Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Super Woman: If Not A Mother Then Who

 The unique ability to bring another life on earth is bestowed on a woman after God. This ability is accompanied with the beautiful concept of motherhood which is considered as the one of the most prominent roles that a lady plays in her life. But not all women are blessed equally. Even though the dream of having a family echoing with the laughter and tantrums of children is very common amongst the population, not all women are biologically capable to conceiving a baby. This is one of the most unfortunate news that a lady can ever receive in her life that can shatter many of her hopes and expectations for her future and it takes super woman like emotional forte to absorb this fact and still move ahead in life.

Due to the increasing number of social organisations who dedicate their lives to finding good homes for orphans or abandoned babies, gone are the days when delivering your own baby was the only way of having a kid. It many societies, the concept of extending the family is highly intertwined with the concept of sharing the same blood or lineage. As a result, there remains a social stigma around the concept of adoption as it brings in a child in the family who is not related anyhow to the parents other than their mutual need for love and desire to be a family. It takes super woman like conviction to stand your ground against unsupportive members if you want to adopt a child. 

Science has also come a long way to ensure that God’s will no longer remain the only choice of having a baby for a super woman like mother. Concepts like test tube babies or surrogacy offer a couple options to have children of their own. The cost factor is the only hindrance that is majorly posed against this concept but with advancement of better means, that should gradually become affordable for most people.

Beyond all the ways of being parents, if the couple finds no suitable result then they should not lose moral on this ground. Due to the inherent motherly nature of a woman, she faces more difficulty in accepting that she will not have the good fortune of being called a mother. In such times, even if she receives the support of all family members including her husband, still she can find true solace only if finds it in herself to accept this bitter fact and like a super woman, not let this fact define her.

A life without a kid need not be empty and purposeless. A lady is not born only to give birth and this realization should reflect in her action. Relating to the super woman inside her, she can find many better ways of using the extra time and energy to bring happiness to life of kids who are not related to her because the world is full of such unfortunate little souls who have never known the love of a parent.

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