Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Super Woman: Gone With the Wind onto the Trail

When you wake up in the morning and before leaving bed, revise your to-do list for the day, figuring out which work is finished and which are pending, don’t you at times feel that you are adding more stuff than you are crossing off making the list never ending? It is a vicious circle which you will not be able to escape till the time you are responsible for taking care of yourself and the people dependant on you. That is why, we hereby suggest an alternate start to your super woman like day in place of the frightening list, “trail running”.

When it comes to running, be it for our busy schedule or convenience, we either resort to the gym or the pavement around the block. But if we can make a little effort and manage the time better like a super woman, we should replace the gym or the pavement with a trail instead. One of the obvious reasons for switching to a trail is that it can offer better surface for your knees due to better cushioning as compared to the hard pavement or the treadmill that stresses out your limbs.Soil and grass are the best options when it comes to running. 

Far from the city and its noise and pollution, you can attain the serene spirituality of a super woman if you give in to the rhyme and rhythm of chirping birds and hustling sounds made by the winds crossing the trees. Many psychologists have confirmed that trail running is especially beneficial for women suffering from postpartum depression. It helps you relate to a bigger entity like nature that is above our day to day requirements of material necessity, relationships and expectations. Once you witness the vastness of the nature around you, your own problems will turn petite for you.

You don’t have to put unnecessary efforts in finding a path that is too difficult to scale for running purpose being too steep or covered with many vegetation. Find a secluded natural trackwhich do not make you risk a bruise or fall while running. You must get used to a simple trail first and then move onto its advance versions in terrain. Exuding super woman like smartness, you must carry a simple and light phone with you while going for trail running so that you can call for help if you turn unfortunate on an abandoned road.

Trail running is a great contributor to the balance of the body. Creating a better version of the super woman inside you, it goes without saying that before you take up this venture, you must properly gear up with the right sports shoe and diet chart to get the best out of this effort of journey towards Mother Nature.

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