Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Superwoman Facing Society

Swollen Eyes, sniffling with a sore throat, moisten eyelids and a broken woman. This is what only the night witnesses, for the outer world she is an independent and strong woman. She can face anything and get over it quickly. As this process of bearing those grief and rage beneath a smile continues, this woman turns herself into a superwoman. A lady indestructible from outside but from within holding on to herself has been brought up through the various heartbreaks of life, love and society. Alarm bell rings and the last to sleep at home is the first to wake up, within 20 minutes already preparing for those daily chores that she used to face with an intentional or unintentional smile.

POP! There she burst another pimple just to look pleasing in the eyes of others and people don’t move away from her. The mark of the pimple stays and keeps reminding her that it is the look that will be first attribute to judge your personality. You already have made your critics for those marks, haven’t you? But she did it to please your eyes. Quite unselfish, isn’t? Well she has always been unselfish whether it was to let his elder brother watch his TV shows first or disposing away her words that had already tangled in her mouth to propose his crush in the name of family pride. But you have never seen her speak about all these events and happenings; you have never seen her whine about it all among the crowd. That’s where she gets entitled as the superwoman because of bearing all these, yet never complains.

You don’t know about the stretch marks she hides to cover those imperfections that everyone has. You don’t know the turmoil her soul goes through and the stagnant thoughts that race through her mind when she asked to stay away from the normal lifestyle just because she is bleeding. You don’t know that black phase when even the birth of hers was taken as curse. What do you know is she is weak, stubborn and a tough being to be with? No! She isn’t that, it is just that the world has titled her with those labels and never gave her a chance to flaunt the superwoman beneath the skin of weak and stubborn lady. Tackling struggles and humans she grows up in a society of judgmental beings.

Calling the daughters an angel then caging them up within the limits of family pride. That is when that maybe some Superwoman gets choked and it suffocates more as she grows and then falls into the pride of a new family. Yet, she decides to live on and hopes someday she’ll not judged by the accessories over her body but the purity her soul resides.

Let these superwomen have their space for awhile and breathe in their dreams. Let us not judge on the basis of what they wear but on the capabilities and talent they bear. Let them flaunt their real self and not the one that you want to please your own eyes, heart and soul.