Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Super Woman: Sieving Mr Wrong

After painful end to a relationship, the only satisfaction we allow ourselves to derive is the fact that may be we have learnt something from this experience and we can use this wisdom to make a better and hopefully a different choice in future. A year later, surprisingly, we are trying to find such satisfaction again but unable to do so as we find ourselves upset over the same reasons. Isn’t it a bit odd that we diligently keep following a pattern that leads us to the misery of dating the wrong guy? A super woman like vigilance should take up the task of breaking out of this habit.

The treatment should be preceded by a diagnosis. The basic reason why we just jump from one wrong guy to another is our incapacity to go through a considerable amount of period as a single woman. It is said that you find the best things when you are not looking for them. So, when you stop searching for a man to attend to your desperation to bring some meaning to your life which you are unable to do, you will end up having a super woman like filter with smaller holes that can better find the suitable guy.

Your emotional needs may give you the false sense of acceptance to the biggest load of crap that the guy throws at you. Before entering a relationship you must decide for yourself that which are the lines which you cannot let him cross as your partner. Even in your most lovey dovey state of mind, if you find him regularly playing hide and seek with your tolerance limit, then you better call it off. Another myth you should never fall for is that you can change a guy, because sister, that ain’t gonna happen! Smarter than normal guys may keep up the illusion of change in nature just to keep the conflict out of the relationship, but a super woman should not fall for this eye wash.

Making your world revolve around the man of your life is another fatal expectation starter that most of us resort to. Your life should be defined by what you do and what you achieve on your own. Not by your endless quest of creating a perfect relationship so that the other person is bound to treat you well and help you feel valued. As a super woman, create your own bubble of happiness and then invite the guy inside rather than overloading him with the job of creating the bubble for you.

Lastly, whatever you are settling for, if you feel that you do not deserve better than that, then soul searching meditation is highly recommended. The gender ratio is a huge proof of the fact that we have more options than them, and under no circumstances a super woman should convince herself that she doesn’t deserve better.

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