Thursday, October 13, 2016

Michelle Obama Found the Super Woman in Her

Setting up the trend in the correct direction and inspiring several ladies across the globe, Michelle Obama stands out to be a perfect example of a super woman in today’s’ era. With her inherited aptitude and competence, she is not only the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), but also happens to be an independent social and economic worker. Not only she campaigned for her husband Barack Obama in his presidential bid, but also played a wonderful hostess of the White House.

Born in the year 1964, Michelle is considerably young, but the kind of knowledge and awareness she possesses is simply outstanding. This is mainly due to her interest towards her subjects since beginning. She is a graduate from Harvard Law School and Princeton University. She has also worked in a law firm in her early career. After that, she joined University of Chicago as an associate dean. She was also responsible to look after the community and external affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center as vice president. In the midst of all her endeavors she married Barack Obama in the year 1992 and has two daughters till date. This clearly signifies that, Michelle had equal importance in her mind for both personal and professional lives.  She has certainly acted as a super woman by balancing both the fields of life.

Normally, women get overshadowed with the success and dominance of their husbands. However, this was not the thing in Michelle’s case. She not only supported her husband in becoming the 44th President of the United States, but also created her own identity. She has also spoken at several conventions, seminars and meetings. Her lectures, speech, thought process are always well received by the audiences. It can be easily said that, the way she has mould and driven her career, she is clearly looked upon as a super woman.

Michelle Obama undoubtedly is a role model for so many women out there, who speaks on democracy, individuality, poverty awareness, healthy balance etc. She is strongly one of the reasons behind the rise of women in modern generation. Her contribution towards the country and even outside is looked upon with huge gratitude. So, is her story inspiring you to take up the challenge and create your own identity too? If yes, this is the right time. It is never too late to make a mark. Come forward and serve the world with something or the other. All you need to do is just find the little spark of a super woman in you and the rest will be done automatically.

The only thing you need to build is your self confidence. If you have that intent, you can easily take up any job and excel into it. There can be no stopping at all once you are fully committed towards it. And, who knows someone else might get motivated by reading your story some day. 

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